LELWD is pleased to offer rebates to customers purchasing ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostats. This rebate is for replacements or upgrades and not for new construction.
Eligibility: This program offers rebates for residential customers who install a qualified smart thermostat, as defined by the “Qualifying Products” section of this document, to control their central ac and or electric heat. Verification of heating and cooling systems is required.
Customers in Littleton Electric Light Department (LELD) service area are eligible for rebates subject to the availability of funds from LELD. LELD reserves the right to change any portion of this program or end this program at any time without notice.
Qualifying Products: Check this link to see if your product is Energy Star certified.
Rebate amounts and payments: Rebates will be for $50 per installation, limited to two per household, and cannot exceed 50% of purchase price. Rebate applications will be processed as they are received and rebates will be issued in the form of a bill credit.
What is a Smart Thermostat?: A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that can automatically adjust home temperatures (heating and cooling) for optimal performance. These devices can also be controlled with a smartphone or tablet to gain better control of energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR labeled smart thermostats offer energy saving, data, control, and convenience to home owners.
Verification: A copy of original sales receipt indicating make, model, purchase date, purchase location, and price must accompany rebate application. LELD reserves the right to request documentation of having electric heat and/or central ac. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Additional Information: Call LELWD at (978) 540-2222 or email [email protected]
To Claim: Please submit online below, or mail in the completed application, along with a copy of the sales receipt showing make and model, and provide the energy efficiency standards as required:
39 Ayer Road
P.O. Box 2406
Littleton, MA 01460