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Water Rates
Meter Size FY25 Rate
- 5/8″ $7.00 /month
- 3/4″ $7.00 /month
- 1″ $17.00 /month
- 1.5″ $33.00 /month
- 2″ $53.00 /month
- 3″ $100.00 /month
- 4″ $167.00 /month
- 6″ $334.00 /month
Multi-Family Residential customers will be assessed the 5/8″ Base Customer Charge per the number of units in the building.
Water usage is billed in thousands of gallons per month, according to an ascending block rate schedule.
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
- Level 1 0 – 5,000 $5.91
- Level 2 5,001 – 10,000 $7.40
- Level 3 10,001 – 15,000 $9.24
- Level 4 15,001 – 20,000 $11.49
- Level 5 20,001 – 25,000 $14.37
- Level 6 >25,000 $17.96
Multi-Family Residential customers will be billed the Water Usage Charge based on a unit averaging methodology. The total consumption for the building will be divided by the number of units in the building, arriving at per unit monthly consumption. The per unit monthly consumption will then be used to calculate a per unit Water Usage Charge bill based on the ascending block rate schedule. The per unit Water Usage Charge bill will then be multiplied by the number of units in the building to arrive at an aggregate Water Usage Charge bill.
For all Rate Classes
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
All usage $5.74
Final Bill Charge is waived for Senior Citizens
Deposit Charge:
1″ Hydrant Meter $500
3″ Hydrant Meter $2,000
Installation Charge:
1″ Hydrant Meter $125
3″ Hydrant Meter $250
Base Customer Charge:
1″ Hydrant Meter $25.00 per month
3″ Hydrant Meter $50.00 per month
Water Usage Charge:
Water usage is billed in thousands of gallons per month, according to an ascending block rate schedule.
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
All usage $14.37
Debt Service Charge:
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
All usage $5.74
Base Customer Charge:
$7.00 per month
Water Usage Charge:
Water usage is billed in thousands of gallons per month, according to an ascending block rate schedule.
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
All usage $7.40
Debt Service Charge:
Usage (gallons) FY25 Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
All usage $5.74
Fees and Services
The debt service fee is collected to pay off loans that financed the construction of water infrastructure projects.
The backflow testing charge is $75.00 for Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) and $125.00 for Dual Check Valves and Pressure Vacuum Breakers (PVB). RPZ devices must be tested semi-annually and Dual Check Valves annually. There is an additional charge of $75.00 for any backflow device which fails and is not repaired within 10 business days and retested.
Under 310 CMR 22.22(3)(m), each PWS is required to notify the owner of the premises of any violation of 310 CMR 22.22, such as failure to install protection, failure to maintain a device, and failure to meet testing requirements, by sending a written Notification of Violation. Any violation of the measure in Article 2.9 shall be liable to the Littleton Water Department as listed below. Each Violation will be assessed in accordance with the requirements of the cross-connection control distribution system protecting program plan (CCCPP) approved by the DEP, or in 310 CMR 22.22: Cross Connections Distribution System Protection.
1st Violation Written Warning
2nd Violation $50 fine and Second Written Warning
3rd Violation $200 fine
4th Violation $400 fine and Termination of Service
The flow testing charge is $100 per test, plus labor. Flow testing is done, per appointment, Monday through Wednesday between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. only. Appointment requests must be made to LWD with three business days’ notice. Hydrants are to be operated by Water Department personnel only.
The fee for the operator’s time to turn a customer’s water outside of normal operating hours (Monday through Thursday, 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.) is $500.
The fee for unlawfully and intentionally altering or damaging a water meter is three times the cost of the meter plus a damage fee of $500.
Any person violating the Water Supply Conservation measures shall be liable to the Littleton Water Department as listed below. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offence.
1st Violation Written Warning
2nd Violation $50 fine and Second Written Warning
3rd Violation $200 fine
4th Violation $400 fine and Termination of Service
A sprinkler demand charge is billed quarterly or monthly and is based on the fire service size.
Pipe Size | Yearly Fee |
Up to 2” | $862.50 |
3” and 4” | $1,150.00 |
6” | $2,300.00 |
8” | $4,600.00 |
10” | $5,750.00 |
12” | $6,900.00 |
The tapping fee covers all costs associated with the material, labor and equipment, as well as heat sealing as required by the Littleton Highway Department, used for installing the necessary piping from the Littleton Water Department’s distribution system (up to 1″) to the applicant(s) property line at the prevailing rates. It is the responsibility of the applicant(s) or the applicant(s) contractor to install the water service from the property line to the applicant(s) structure according to the Littleton Water Department’s specifications.
It is the responsibility of and at the cost of the applicant and/or contractor to install water mains greater than 1” from the existing main to the building.
The cross connection survey fee is $250.
A $100 fee is assessed for file searches and copying of environmental assessments, other large documents and the use of the department’s GIS maps.
Manual Water Read (monthly) $25.00
Removal of the AMI Meter and Installation of Non-AMI Meter $100.00
Re-Installation of AMI Meter $100.00
The connection fee is a one-time charge for connecting to the distribution system and must accompany the New Water Service Application. The fee is assessed according to the actual size of the service applied for, or the number of dwelling units (whichever is higher). The fee includes a one inch meter. Anything larger than a one-inch meter will be charged to the applicant. Water service installation costs including but not limited to material, labor, and equipment are not covered by the water service application fee and are the responsibility of the applicant.
Pipe Size | Fee (domestic service pipe) |
1” | $7,565 |
1 ½” | $17,021 |
2” | $30,260 |
3” | $68,086 |
4” | $121,042 |
6” | $272,344 |
Multi-dwelling | $3,783 |
Meter | Connection | Fee |
5/8” | 3/4” | $375.00 |
3/4” | 1” | $425.00 |
> 3/4” | > 1” | $500.00 |
A $15 fee per submeter per month is assessed for the reading and issuance of water bills “care of” the property owner’s tenant(s).
The annual permit application fee to become a Licensed Utility Installer (LUI) for the Littleton Water Department: $100
The annual fee must be paid by January 1st of each year.
The annual permit Bond value which must be posted: $5,000
The Certificate of Insurance to be provided must cover:
- General Liability:
- $500,000 – Property Damage
- $500,000 – $1,000,000 Bodily Injury
- Automotive:
- $500,000 – Property Damage
- $500,000 – $1,000,000 Bodily Injury
- Workman’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability as required under Massachusetts General Laws.
- Insurance shall include coverage for collapse and underground structures.
- Insurance shall include coverage for projects completed operations.
All of the above insurance coverage shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the Littleton Water Department of the last service connection installed by the LUI. The LUI shall take all responsibility for the work and take all precaution for preventing injuries to persons and property in or around the work.
The permit bond shall be duly executed by the Principal of the LUI and by a Surety Company qualified to do business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and satisfactory to the General Manager.