About Us
As your local, municipal utilities, the Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments have been providing reliable power to the towns of Littleton and Boxborough, Massachusetts, and clean drinking water to the town of Littleton, Massachusetts for over a century. Beyond our core missions, we are committed to supporting projects and programs that improve our collective quality of life and enrich the communities we serve.
Littleton Electric Light Department is recognized as a Reliable Public Power Provider, based on reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. LELD is also recognized as a Smart Energy Provider. This recognition is based on energy efficiency and distributed energy resources, environmental and sustainability programs, communication/education, and smart energy information. The American Public Power Association (APPA) is a trade group in Washington, D.C., that represents more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities, such as LELD.
In 2012, Littleton Electric Light & Water Departments celebrated their 100th Anniversary. Click to view the LELWD 100th Anniversary video.